
  • My H2HC Conference Summary

    I am Danilo Erazo (Independent Car/Hardware Security Research, Pentester, Programmer & Hacking lover) I was invited to the H2HC conference to be at the DEFCON Car Hacking Village. This was my first time in Brazil and I liked it a lot. I was teaching about key fob hacking process at the Car Hacking Village during…

  • Data Exfiltration Bypassing USB Storage Restrictions with Serial Communication channel with Flipper Zero BadUsb

    Author: Danilo Erazo I was approached to conduct on-site wifi hacking and penetration testing, including executing local data exfiltration on secured computers that block the use of USB storage devices. To address this challenge, I researched methods for exfiltrating data from such protected systems. As a result, I developed a Ducky Script that leverages PowerShell…

  • Unlocking thousands of Cars by exploiting Learning Codes from Car Key Fobs by Danilo Erazo

    I am Danilo Erazo, an independent hardware security researcher. I discovered and exploited several vulnerabilities in cars with key fobs that use learning codes as part of their keyless entry systems (KES). Currently, all vehicles worldwide use rolling codes in their alarm systems to lock or unlock the vehicle. The use of rolling codes in…